Commercial Photography And Its Various Types | Gratefulpony

Commercial photography is a massive field that has a multitude of areas to explore and master. There are a plethora of photography categories and specializations in this field to discover for enthusiastic photography lovers. When it comes to photography, most photography lovers do not opt for commercial photography. They might have a feeling that it is a boring field, but incorrect terms, it is technical. Under commercial photography, a brand, product, or business is promoted to sell a product, service, or build a brand image. Commercial photography is used for commercial purposes only and generally takes advertising campaigns for newspapers, magazines, and brochures. Below are some types of commercial photography: 

  • Advertising Photography

Advertising photography is a type of commercial photography that has been practiced for over a decade now. It is used majorly with service, product, or brand enlightenments in print advertising, including brochures, magazines, newspapers, leaflets, and much more. The primary objective of advertising photography is to entice customers with the products or services the brand is offering. So, they get inundated and make a purchase. It is mainly sales driven and considered one of the most popular types of commercial photography in Bristol.

  • Aerial Photography

Aerial photography is not that common and is unknown to many fellas out there. It is a technique to capture the earth’s surface, the atmosphere, or taking photographs from an elevated level. The photographs in this type of photography are taken from a higher position above ground level. The cameras are mounted on aircraft systems, air balloons, helicopters and parachutes for capturing the scenes from an elevated position. The concepts that are used in this photography style include focal length, index maps, fiducial marks, flight lines, roll, and stereoscopic coverage.

  • Architecture & Interior photography

Architecture & Interior photography generally involves the photographing of the exterior and interior of buildings. Under architecture photography, photographers use shooting tips and different lighting techniques to capture the space. This type of photographer professionally deals with restaurants, clubs, bars, real-estate businesses to promote their brand and attract customers. It allows photographers to obtain a visual understanding of the building’s architecture. They try to build and communicate a story with their contexts space and time.

  • Food Photography

 Whether you are working for your Instagram page or someone else’, you need to capture some mouthwatering shots to droll the audience. In order to add interest in the picture, the food photographers shoot their images with background utensils, dishes, fancy tissues, and other food ingredients. They do so, to draw the attention of the audience towards the main object. It is still life photography used to promote food chains, restaurants, bars, and more.

  • Product Photography

In a product-based company, product photography is significantly essential to increase sales. A company can promote their products and create awareness and brand images through excellent product images. The main objective of representing a product through commercial photography for promotional purposes. 

  • Journalism Photography

Journalism photography is an art of taking photos that are considered newsworthy. It is generally a part of news topics, to prove the report. Photos for news are not generally a simple shoot, once in a while, it needs the photographers to run into uncertain risks. These photos catching a significant occasion or current happenings are utilized by media houses, news channels, online news channels and that’s only the tip of the iceberg, to bring reality behind an event.

Summing Up

No matter which area of commercial photography you need, make sure you choose a professional, experienced, and reputable photographer like a commercial photographer in Bristol. Look up their client history, work, and style of photography before hiring them.

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